What To Bring to the Symposium

Laptop or tablet (access to WiFi will be provided)

College ID or Virginia driver’s license

Pre-symposium reading

Course syllabi (those that you may like to reconsider/restructure using the symposium content)

Cool, comfortable, and casual clothing (Charlottesville is hot in August – our facilities will be air conditioned, but you will be walking between the hotel and the symposium site daily)

Comfortable shoes (for walking between hotel and OpenGrounds, and when we visit and tour the library)

2014-2015 academic calendar for your institution

Refillable water bottle*

Refillable travel mug for coffee or tea*

*Federal budgets are extremely restrictive about the purchase of food or beverages – we will not be able to provide coffee service or bottled water at the symposium. During breaks you may go to convenience stores, restaurants, or coffee shops. Note that beverages (water, soft drinks, lemonade, or tea) will be offered with lunch.